
I am a graduate TA for COMP 311 and was a UTA for COMP 311, 210, and 110. I am one of two awardees of the 2023 Diane Pozefsky Learning Assistant Award ($1000 prize).


Digital Logic and Computer Design
Volunteer (F23, W22)
  • I roughly doubled the potential audience of COMP 541's final project simulator by porting, along with a classmate, the original version (C#, Windows-only) to Java (cross-platform). It is in-use in COMP 541 and maintained by me.
Computer Organization
Graduate TA (F23), Head UTA (S23, F22)
  • I developed and maintain a SAP (Simple-As-Possible computer) program simulator, which allowed me to create a SAP programming assignment.
  • I create and refine programming assignments and their autograders.

    I created Lab 4 (SAP programming) and the majority of the final project (BST implementation in MIPS assembly).

    I revamped Lab 3 (ALU implementation). The ALU now has a 5-bit control table and computes flags, whereas it previously had a 2-bit control table.

    I incorporated several improvements to the assignments, including usage of Digital's Tunnel and Splitter/Merger components and multi-bit capabilities. I also incorporated MIPS macros.

  • I refactored existing autograder code for the final project (would be trivial to extend to other assignments) to be more modular and extensible and provide better feedback to students.
  • I have written 35+ in-use quiz and exam questions. I verify and edit, as needed, all assessment questions in the course. I wrote all of Quiz 7 (MIPS processor and control signals).
  • I refined and automated our question creation and review process. In particular, I developed a workflow in which we write questions in Markdown format on GitHub and convert (via pandoc) to HTML/PDF, allowing for version control and better collaboration.
  • I write and edit explanations for all assessment questions. I have also written explanations for the 180+ practice questions written by Professor Munsell.
  • I manage the undergraduate LA team, hold office hours, and answer student questions (on Piazza and elsewhere). In 23S, I held three in-person assessment review sessions for the course, with an average of 40 students at each.
Data Structures and Analysis
Head UTA (Summer '22)
  • I created ~10 in-use quiz questions.
  • I held 5 quiz review sessions.
    Slides (recordings included)


Jan. 2021 - June 2022: Private ACT Tutor